Arcadia Valley Career Technology Center has eight cooperating school districts. Students from these districts spend half of their day in vocational classes at AVCTC and the other half in their home school for regular academic classes. Below you will find the list of cooperating school districts. Some are linked to websites. We hope to link you to all of the cooperating schools in the future, once the schools develop their own home pages.

Arcadia Valley R-II
520 Park Drive
Ironton, MO 63650

Bunker R-III
PO Box 365

Bunker, MO 63629-0365

Clearwater R-I
Rt. 1, Box 1004

Piedmont, MO 63957-9700(573)223-4524

Lesterville R-IV
PO Box 120

Lesterville, MO 63651-0120

Marquand-Zion R-VI
PO Box A

Marquand, MO 63655-0086

South Iron R-I
210 School Street
Annapolis, MO 63620-0218

Valley R-VI
Caledonia, MO 63631


Viburnum C-4
PO Box 368

Viburnum, MO 65566-0368